venerdì 2 dicembre 2016

A Giant worm on Mars, MATTEO IANNEO Italian Researcher ©

I do not think this image on Mars is reliable. Something or somebody wants to confuse our ideas. Many things contradict each other. I think those who manipulate these images begin to think that no one has ever gone to Mars, because no one can overcome the firmament. Perhaps we live in a virtual world and all that they see to us is just effects created on the computer. No one has been able to overcome the firmament.,137.3918769,2329m/data=!3m1!1e3,137.3918769,2329m/data=!3m1!1e3

Statue on the planet Mercury. MATTEO IANNEO Italian Researcher ©

sabato 15 ottobre 2016

Water on Mars. Many planets in our solar system, including also those of other very distant systems, have lived our time, with physical and chemical characteristics, even as we. The source of life, water, is known in most of the universes, and on many planets, it rises from the bowels of the planet destroyed, hidden in the wounds of many celestial worlds who have lived in their history natural disasters. On the planet Mars, there is still water in sufficiency, but it hidden largely in the bowels of the planet. On its surface, there are still lakes that arise suddenly from the slits of the planet itself. Even when a planet is destroyed, its waters evaporate and then fell again on its surface, in the form of rain, so the waters of this planet can never be destroyed, because even if given the enormous temperature of some places it falls under as rain scattered throughout its surface. In this study, by analyzing this part of the planet's surface, I have observed, the blue color of this great lake, and I still believe that on this planet there is life, vegetation, and do not rule out that there is also a good amount of oxygen. All these elements are reduced in nature than our planet, but not everything has been destroyed. Thanks again for your patience.

mercoledì 5 ottobre 2016

Shocking !!! Mysterious structure in the desert in Egypt . MATTEO IANNEO...

Michael Romagnoli

this photo gone off by me to one friend of mine, represents a sphere of light (ORB). I don't believe that these spheres can be optic effects owed to the objective of the photographic car, I believe that they are of the energetic spheres of entity that you/they live in other dimensions. Perhaps one day we could understand their nature, and to create the possibility of technological devices, that can put us in contact with them. You/they could belong to an unknown world that for the time being to us unknown. Or they could be the keepers of the divine creation. They exist and nobody can ignore their existence. Only with the time we could understand their nature, and to create a mean of communication that can help us to put us in contact with them.

photo of MATTEO IANNEO Italian  Researcher

Shocking !!! Mysterious structure in the desert in Egypt . MATTEO IANNEO...

mercoledì 3 agosto 2016

Face on Mars

32°36'27.89"N 62°33'15.47"E

32°36'27.89"N 62°33'15.47"E


MATTEO  IANNEO  Italian  Researcher

mercoledì 8 giugno 2016

Profilo antico su Marte

32°36’27.89″N 62°33’15.47″E

MATTEO  IANNEO  Ricercatore Italiano  Cerignola  (FG)  Italia

mercoledì 16 marzo 2016

GENESIS tells us the ancient history of cities that were destroyed by something falling from the sky. We talk about fireballs, which destroyed and scattered these cities.
Many cities were destroyed by nuclear weapons and not by natural events. Weapons that melted the rock, making this rock fused with the power of these ancient gods. Many researchers and archaeologists try to find the correspondence of real facts in order to give a certain value to the ancient history we read about our books.
These big cities were not the usual cities we know, but they were a city of greatness and beauty that surpassed our fantasies. Many attribute the destruction of these cities to earthquakes, meteorites and others, but make many mistakes. These cities were destroyed by nuclear weapons, which made the rocky rock, including all that contained the city itself. One day in the sand there will be unexplained technologies for us, because they belong to technologically advanced peoples. Nuclear was already known in remote times and somebody discovered this power, only by studying ancient finds and artefacts.
In this image of study, I have found remains of ancient ruins dating back long ago. Ruins belonging to remote times, far more than we know. They belong to ancient legends that are part of the known history. Statues now destroyed, where something is still clear and understandable. The statues like the heads of these huge statues were stronger than the high temperatures that had been created, so some of them were not totally destroyed. Thanks for your patience.

martedì 23 febbraio 2016

DANIELA MAZZACANE - MATTEO IANNEO STUDI SU MARTE,137.3918769,2329m/data=!3m1!1e3

I do not think this image on Mars is reliable. Something or somebody wants to confuse our ideas. Many things contradict each other. I think those who manipulate these images begin to think that no one has ever gone to Mars, because no one can overcome the firmament. Perhaps we live in a virtual world and all that they see to us is just effects created on the computer. No one has been able to overcome the firmament.